
Showing posts from February, 2013

Pick of the Week 2/27

Sorry I've been so terrible about posting lately!  I'll having something of substance soon - I've just been very busy.  But here's the book you should be paying attention to, in comic shops today... Five Weapons #1 Jimmie Robinson 

Pick of the Week 2/20

Here's the book you should be paying attention to, in comic shops Wednesday... Smurfs (Volume 14): The Baby Smurf Peyo

Pick of the Week 2/13

Here is the book you should be paying attention to, in comic shops tomorrow...   Alabaster Wolves HC Caitlin R. Kiernan, Steve Lieber & Rachelle Rosenberg

Pick of the Week 2/6

Here is the book you should be paying attention to, in comic shops this Wednesday... Aya: Love in Yop City Marguerite Abouet & Clement Oubrerie

February Previews Picks

Here are the books shipping to comic shops in February that caught my eye in Previews Catalogue ... Gil Jordan, Private Detective: Ten Thousand Years In Hell HC - I was a huge fan of the first Gil Jordan, Private Detective collection, Murder At High Tide , so I'm happy to see Fantagraphics rolling out more of the series. Justice League of America #1 - Another JL book launches, from the creative team of Geoff Johns and David Finch, with some more interesting secondary characters in the mix. Nova #1 - A new young Nova takes the mantle in this new ongoing series by Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness. Nemo: Heart of Ice HC - A new League of Extraordinary Gentlemen book featuring Nemo, from series creators Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill. Secret Avengers #1 - Nick Spencer and Luke Ross take the reins of the new undercover Avengers team, which sees Nick Fury leading a small group of superheroes and S.H.I.E.L.D. agents into the field. The Simon & Kirby Library: Science Fictio...