Previews HYPE!: July '11

Combing through the massive Previews Catalogue this month, here are the titles that I think could get overlooked, or that I'm just plain excited about, shipping to comic shops in July... Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth Omnibus (Volume 1) HC - The beloved series from Jack Kirby is collected in a format deserving of the material, to match DC's other Jack Kirby collections. Tezuka's Book of Human Insects HC - More Osamu Tezuka goodness! Walter Simonson's The Mighty Thor: Artist's Edition - What's sure to be the first of many projects from IDW featuring classic Marvel runs, this book will feature the original art, as close to Simonson's drawings as humanly possible, complete with corrections and blue pencils, showcasing the artist's incredible pencils. Amazing Mysteries: The Bill Everett Archives (Volume 1) HC - Collects over 200 pages of stories from the master artist. A companion to Fire and Water , this is also edited by Blake Bell. The League...