Previews HYPE: February '12
Here are the books that caught my eye in Previews Catalogue , for books shipping to comic shops in February... Folly: The Consequences of Indiscretion SC - This is a collection of material that was originally self-published by the creator, Hans Rickheit, who topped my best-of-the-year list a few years back with The Squirrel Machine . Winter Soldier #1 & #2 - A new ongoing series from Ed Brubaker and Butch Guice, featuring Bucky as well as Black Widow. Harvey Pekar's Cleveland HC - Autobiographical sketches and glimpses of the city he lived in for most of his life, haunt this graphic novel from the late great Harvey Pekar. Fantastic Four: Season One HC - The first in a series of original graphic novels, these are great for new fans, retelling the origins of some of the greatest Marvel heroes. DC Comics Presents #6 - Now that Deadman's story has wrapped up, Dan Didio and Jerry Ordway take the reigns of the anthology series DC Comics Presents to debut The Challeng...