Batwoman: Elegy Deluxe Edition HC

Greg Rucka & J.H. Williams III This hardcover collects issues #854-860 of Detective Comics . A lot has been said about J.H. Williams III's art on this run, and I'm also quite a fan of it. Some of his scenes are just stunning, and demand that you stop to admire them. He kind of jumps between a more traditional art that he uses on panels when the story focuses on Kate Kane's civilian life, to a more painted look with tons of splash pages and elaborate designs when she's Batwoman, out fighting crime. Dave Stewart is due credit for his coloring on this title, making happier moments more bright and lively, with shadows and more subdued tones darkening the panels as Batwoman skulks the streets of Gotham (except for that lovely flair of bright red hair). People weren't exaggerating when they said this was one of the best superhero titles coming out last year. A lot of that has to do with the art, but Greg Rucka's writing is top-notch here as well and might be a l...