
Chynna Clugston and Ian Shaughnessy collaborated to bring about a stunning new title from Oni Press: Strangetown. Beyond the beautiful cover, the story follows a girl Vanora as she voyages overseas and eventually winds up on the shores of Oregon, and finally, on her own in the docking town of Grangeton, nicknamed Strangetown, for its quirky residents. Vanora harbors some secrets and seems to fit right in with the other tenants of a tea house where the old resident of the room Vanora takes over recently died. Not only is the artwork great, but the characters are just awesome. The dynamics between the tenants and their strange conversations are just amazing. I think the cover and the beginning of the story give away exactly what Vanora's secret is, (I'm going to mention it now, so don't read on if you want to come to your own conclusions: she carries around a "coat" at the beginning as she wanders naked, and mythology indicates that some creatures can take off their pelts and walk among humans), but it is just a guess from the writer's hints. And it's really the characterizations that make the story. You can check out a preview of Strangetown at Oni Press' site, but you won't get to the good stuff until a little further in to the issue. Cute, funny and just smartly written, you'll have to trust me that you don't want to miss out on Strangetown #1. It's a real treasure.


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