In Passing...10/24

And the comics of last week that I haven't done big reviews of...

Ultimate Spider-man #84 - The sixth issue of the "Warriors" story arc (one more to go) pits Spider-man vs. Elektra vs. Iron Fist vs. Black Cat vs. Shang-Chi vs. Hammerhead vs. Moon Knight vs...okay, maybe that's all, but by god, those are a lot of tights in one room. And Bendis knows it, playing with the maelstrom he's created by getting all of these characters in this situation. People don't know who to fight necessarily, a lot of things are happening that are hard to follow, and people end up going after people that they...maybe?...shouldn't go after. But it's all really fun. It's something not seen much in superhero comics, but you'd think it would happen more often, what with NYC so packed with superheros. Bravo, Bendis.

Runaways #9 - A new story begins as Cloak finally recalls what went down with the runaways back in the first volume of the series, and seeks them out to help him in his dire situation. So, the runaways are going to NYC...yes, six more superheros in New York was all we needed. He couldn't have just gone to Wolverine or something.

Seven Soldiers: Klarion the Witch Boy #4 (of 4) - Jog already did a great job of combing through this issue, so if you've read the issue, read his thoughts on it. I've loved the Seven Soldiers books so far, Klarion probably the least, but geez, if this is the worst he can do... I'm really excited about The Bulleteer and Frankenstein - both look like a lot of fun.


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