Testament is a new series that debuted last week by Vertigo/DC. The debut issue was really interesting - one of the best debut issues of an on-going series I think I've read in awhile. The first few pages take place in Biblical times (featuring Abraham), then the story fast-forwards to a future reality, with a parellel first page. From there, the story diverts quite a bit from its ancient roots, but the theme remains between the two stories, quite eerie and always kind of hovering on the periphery: a father's sacrifice of his son. Meanwhile, the book lays the groundwork for a really interesting world, complete with plenty of government conspiracies having been realized. A group of rebels hope to change the government with high-tech wizardry as well as with experimental "ritual" drugs and the prophecies induced by them. Beyond the story, I was also really drawn to the art. I'm not really familiar with Liam Sharp, but his pages were just awesome. Highly recommended.