
Sorry I didn't update sooner! I wrote a short story, which I'm going to put on my site pretty soon, and I've been painting more of my comic. Me and Patrick went into Chicago over the weekend and stopped by Chicago Comics and Quimby's, both of which inspired me to get my butt in gear with my mini-comic (actually, going to those stores was the reason for the trek). Anyways, Patrick picked up "Mome #1" and "Cavalcade of Boys." I just got my comics for the week. Patrick also got Gilbert Hernandez' DVD "Naked Cosmos" for his birthday, something I'm sure I'll be reviewing as soon as I've viewed it with him.

I read a few #1 issues this week that I wanted to mention:
"All-Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder #1" - A great start to a new Batman series by Frank Miller and Jim Lee, focusing on Robin at the beginning of his crime-fighting career. I don't really care for Jim Lee as many do, but hey, Miller's great. Really over-the-top stuff, from a woman bursting out of lingerie to police brutality to backhanding women.

"Joss Whedon's Serenity #1" - Based on the "Firefly" series by said creator, this comic read just like the show, with all of the great characters drawn in very lifelike style by Will Conrad. Beautiful panels, great story - what else could you ask for?


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