In Passing...Ms. Marvel to Fell

I've decided to start going with letter grades for my "In Passing" column. Very last minute choice this week, but I think it will get the message across clearer.

Ms. Marvel #3 - I love Frank Cho's covers for this series. Really. I haven't read much by him - I'm thinking I will. This issue of Ms. Marvel was better than the last, which seemed very rushed and clumsy. The battle between Carol and Cru was clear, very fun and noisy. But really, I enjoyed the personal life of Carol from issue one more than any of the action, so I hope there's plenty more of that to come. C+

Fell #5 - It's strange, but I never look forward to reading this comic. I begrudgingly pick it up and begin reading. But I always love it. There hasn't been an issue that I haven't liked since it began, but I just don't feel compelled to keep reading it. Very strange. This issue is a fun interrigation room scene. Detective Fell's one cunning badass. B

Manhunter #22 - Now if the second page of this comic doesn't grab you, nothing will. A freaky, beautiful robot/hydra coming after Kate Spencer. Just beautiful. It's sad to think that there are only three more issues of the series left. Even if Manhunter's still a part of the DC Universe, I don't pick up enough books to catch a guest appearance. Sigh. B+


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