Previews: September '09
Here are the highlights of books shipping to comic shops this September!
The Grave Doug Freshly HC - Love that play on words... Josh Hechinger and mpMann's comedy/western skips the floppies and goes right to a hardcover release
Usagi Yojimbo: Yokai HC - Stan Sakai's first Usagi Yojimbo comic that will be presented in full color! A 64-page original hardcover celebrating 25 years of the rabbit.
High Moon (Volume 1) TP - Another Zuda on-line comic is collected, as werewolves invade the Wild West in the book by David Gallaher and Steve Ellis.
Red Snow HC - This is a collection of Gekiga short stories by Japanese artist and legend Susumu Karsumata. Beautiful package.
Underground #1 (of 4) - Jeff Parker (Agents of Atlas) teams up with Steve Lieber (Whiteout) to tell the story of a park ranger and the danger she gets into trying to protect the caves she loves. Just in time for the Whiteout film.
Strange Tales #1 (of 3) - The debut issue of Marvel's much-anticipated anthology features indie creators on their token characters. Should be fun.
The Book of Genesis: Illustrated by Robert Crumb HC - Comics legend R. Crumb takes on the first book of the Bible in his most recent ambitious work that's bound to be an interesting experience.
Abstract Studios
Strangers In Paradise Omnibus Limited Edition - This was a no-brainer. The entirety of Terry Moore's Strangers In Paradise, collected in three hardcovers within a slipcase. Should be nice!
Archaia Studios Press

Okko (Volume 2): The Cycle of Earth HC - The second book in Hub's Okko series is collected this month - I loved the first one, so I've been looking forward to this.
Boom! Studios
Mr Stuffins TP - How cute! This is a comic about a Teddy Bear who happens to be a super spy!
Walt Disney's Comics and Stories #699 - Along with Mickey Mouse and Friends #296, this will be among the first releases of Disney comics published through Boom! since Gemstone gave up their rights.
Conundrum Press
Hipless Boy GN - Sully tells the story of a boy who moves to a hipster neighborhood who is anything but hip...originally published in the McGill Daily.
Dark Horse Comics
The Amazon HC - Back in print after many years is Steven T. Seagle and Tim Sale's project that takes place in The Amazon Jungle.
Beast of Burdens #1 (of 4) - A group of canines (and a kitty) must save their hometown from destruction as it is overcome by a supernatural threat.
Crossing the Empty Quarter and Other Stories HC - This is a collection of European creator Carol Swain's short comics - over thirty in all - that have appeared since her debut in various anthologies since the 80's.

DC Comics
Black Hawk: Blood and Iron TP - Howard Chaykin's mini-series from 1988 returns in a new collection featuring the pilot Black Hawk versus a band of former Nazis.
Blood and Water TP - It's been years since this came out, but apparently DC/Vertigo want in on the Twilight/vampire craze and are pushing this story back into the limelight. Judd Winick and Tomm Cooker's odd vampire tale is collected in a softcover edition.

Red Tornado #1 (of 6) - The JLA character spins off (get it?) into his own series this month with an emphasis on shedding some light on his origin.
Superman: The Adventures of Flamebird and Nightwing TP - It was inevitable. Superman and Jimmy Olsen's silly adventures as caped crimefighters in the bottled city of Kandor are collected.
Superman: Secret Origin #1 (of 6) - Geoff Johns and Gary Frank try their hand at retelling the classic origin of DC's poster boy.
Sweet Tooth #1 - A new ongoing Vertigo series by Jess Lemire (Essex County) features a boy born with antlers. The debut issue os only $1.
Del Rey Manga
Moyasimon (Volume 1) - This new manga is about a student with the unique ability to communicate with bacteria and micro-organisms, which appear to him as cute creatures. Sounds amazing.
Drawn & Quarterly
Aya: The Secrets Come Out HC - The third collection of the critically-acclaimed Aya comics!

Dynamite Entertainment
The Lone Ranger Comic Strips Collection HC - More than 500 strips by Cary Bates and Russ Heath are collected in this deluxe package, which features the dailies and full-color Sundays that were originally published in the 80's.
Fantagraphics Books
All and Sundry: Uncollected Work: 2004-2009 - A hardcover collection of Paul Hornschemeier's recent short works.
The Comics Journal #300 - To celebrate this milestone in comics criticism, The Comics Journal is stuffing this issue with great offerings this month, including interviews between new generation creators and established legends, like Kevin Huizenga & Art Spiegelman, Dash Shaw & David Mazzucchelli, and Frank Quitely & Dave Gibbons! And much more!
Squirrel Machine HC - The twisted graphic novel by Hans Rickheit follows two brothers who create musical instruments out of animal carcasses in the 19th century.
Strange Suspense: The Steve Ditko Archives (Volume 1) HC - This Blake Bell edited book collects all works from the first two years of Ditko's career, pre-Code and eye-popping.
The Three Paradoxes HC - More Paul Hornschemeier! This is a strange 80-page autobiography from the artist.
West Coast Blues HC - Along with You Are There HC, Fantagraphics is publishing some works by Europe's top-notch creator Jacques Turner this month, the first co-created by Jean-Patrick Manchette, the second with Jean-Claude Forest (Barbarella).
:01 First Second Books
Ball Peen Hammer GN - In a plague-ridden future, one man seeks the safety of his basement and gets caught up in some gruesome goings-on.
Refresh, Refresh GN - Three teenagers grow up in a dead-end town while their fathers are in Iraq - great-looking art.
Tiny Tyrant: The Lucky Winner GN - A new all-ages book by Lewis Trondheim and Fabrice Parme.
Hermes Press
The Phantom: The Complete Dailies (Volume 1) HC - Collecting the first three years of The Phantom's run in the funny pages.
IDW Publishing
Rip Kirby (Volume 1) - Collecting the complete comic strip following the detective of the same name is Alex Raymond's beloved Rip Kirby from the late 1940's.
Star Trek: Romulans: Schism #1 - More John Byrne Star Trek comics!
Image Comics
Beast GN - This is a beautiful original graphic novel by the artist of Conan: Trophy, Marian Churchland, and tells the story of a young sculptor.
Fallout Toyworks #1 (of 5) - Inspired by Fallout Boy lyrics, this mini-series follows a young robot creator who banks everything on the new robot Tiffany.
Tiffany's Epiphany HC - Popular name this month...this all ages story is about a skunk named Tiffany who is bullying the other forest creatures and the lessons she learns.

Marvel Comics
Criminal: The Sinners #1 - The next chapter in Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips' Icon series debuts in the same month as a deluxe edition hardcover of the first series comes out.
Dark Reign: The List - The next chapter of Norman Osborne's Dark Reign is a list he comes up with of the next stage of his terror overseeing the Marvel Universe...and who must die.
Dark X-Men: The Confession - It was going to happen sooner or later...Emma Frost reveals her secret dealings with Norman's cabal.
Essential Sub-Mariner (Volume 1) TP - Finally!!! This was one hero noticably missing from Marvel's Essential line and now the Prince of Atlantis' adventures are going to be collected in nice fat black-and-white books.
Marvel Super Hero Squad #1 (of 4) - Apparently, this is going to be a new Marvel superhero cartoon in the future that is appearing in comic form first.
Nomad: Girl Without a World #1 (of 4) - Former Bucky (or something) Rikki Barnes kicks some butt...yadda yadda yadda. Sean McKeever's good at these kinds of stories featuring scrappy characters.
Pet Avengers Classic TP - Ha ha! A collection of the original stories featuring the animals of the recent Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers mini-series.
Spider-Man: The Clone Saga #1 (of 6) - Somebody must have mentioned that they wanted to see this at one of those awkward Q&A panels that Marvel hosts...
Spider-Woman #1 - It seems like years since the initial announcement of this series, but finally Spider-Woman gets her own book with Brian Michael Bendis writing and Alex Maleev illustrating.

The Torch #1 (of 8) - The original Torch returns in an all-new story by Alex Ross, Mike Carey and Patrick Berkenkotter.
Ultimate Comics: Armor Wars #1 (of 4) - Warren Ellis writes this mini-series featuring Tony Stark's out-of-control armor.
X-Men vs. Fantastic Four HC - The X-Men and Fantastic Four fight over the fate of Kitty Pryde in the classic crossover story featuring Dr. Doom.
Oni Press
Lola: A Ghost Story HC - Lola sees ghosts and must now deal with them after her grandmother passes away in this new original story by J. Torres and Elbert Orr.
Top Shelf Productions
Alec: The Years Have Pants (A Life-Size Omnibus) - Eddie Campbell's autobiographical comics are all collected together for the first time!
Viz Media
What a Wonderful World! (Volume1) & (Volume 2) - I was a big fan of Inio Asano's Solanin graphic novel, but I heard that what she did later in her career was exponentially better. This is one such work!
W.W. Norton

Yen Press
Yotuba&! (Volume 6) - The delayed and much-anticipated sixth volume of the comedic Yotsuba&! will finally see release this September!
The Art of Osamu Tezuka, God of Manga HC - The first authorized biography of master cartoonist and creator of such works as Astro Boy and Black Jack features a career overview and plenty of art to ogle over.
Manga Kamishibai: The Art of Japanese Paper Theater HC - Before comics, Japan had Paper Theater, which paved the way for manga. See some of these rare stories collected!
Star Wars: Trash Compactor Bookends - Why did no one think of this before?!
Wag! - Patrick McDonnell's (Mutts) tribute to his tail-wagging dog is this 40-page full-color book.