TGIF: Daria and more
Here are five things that I was excited about this week!
1. Dreamstar by Gilbert Hernandez - A short superhero story by Gilbert Hernandez (co-creator of Love & Rockets) appears in the 24th issue of Dark Horse's on-line comic anthology...and it's awesome! Read it here. There's also a short Buffy the Vampire Slayer story by series creator Joss Whedon, with art by cover artist for Season Eight, Jo Chen, in the issue here.
2. Daria on DVD - Finally, Daria the MTV spin-off of Beavis and Butthead, featuring their sarcastic classmate, will be available on DVD next year. I loved this show... Here's the article.
3. Moby's "Shot In the Back of the Head" music video - This music video by Moby from his latest (and very well-received) CD Wait For Me, is pretty fantastic and eerie, which is very suiting for the song. Even better is that David Lynch of Twin Peaks fame directed it! Watch it here.
4. Red Revelations by Jace Everett - The latest CD by crooner Jace Everett is full of some pretty intense, dark music. It really suits his voice and it makes for an overall very cool album. Included on this CD (at least through the I-Tunes version) is the song that people are associating with him presently, Bad Things, which is the theme song for HBO's True Blood. If you're a fan of that song, you'll really dig the whole CD.
5. Academy Awards' Best Picture Nominees - The Academy Awards announced that the Best Picture category going forward will include ten nominees instead of five, so they will be able to highlight more smaller films that wouldn't normally receive a lot of attention. I have mixed feelings about this. It kind of dilutes any bragging rights for a film that's nominated, as there are nine others each year, and I don't know if people will want to see all ten before the show airs, but it's nice that other films will get some love that are probably worthy of notice.




5. Academy Awards' Best Picture Nominees - The Academy Awards announced that the Best Picture category going forward will include ten nominees instead of five, so they will be able to highlight more smaller films that wouldn't normally receive a lot of attention. I have mixed feelings about this. It kind of dilutes any bragging rights for a film that's nominated, as there are nine others each year, and I don't know if people will want to see all ten before the show airs, but it's nice that other films will get some love that are probably worthy of notice.