In Stores 7/22
Here are the highlights of books coming to comic stores tomorrow!
Pick of the Week
Mouse Guard: Winter 1152 HC - Finally, the second volume of David Petersen's Mouse Guard is collected. I love this series, and the second book is even better than the original mini-series, with some amazingly beautiful winter scenes.
Other Noteworthy Releases
Adventures of the Mask Omnibus TP
Amazing Spider-Man #600
Awakening (Volume 1) HC
Beanworld (Volume 2): A Gift Comes HC
Cable Classic (Volume 2) TP
Captain America: Reborn #1 (of 5)
Captain Britain and MI-13 #15 - Final issue!
Case Closed (Volume 30)
Creepy Archives (Volume 4) HC
Delphine #4
Elephantmen: Damaged Goods TP
Emily the Strange III #1 (of 4)
Flight (Volume 6) TP
George McManus' Bringing Up Father HC
Halo: Hell Jumper #1 (of 5)
Immortal Weapons #1 (of 5)
Incredible Hulk #600
Lenore (volume II) #1
Myspace/Dark Horse Presents (Volume 3) TP
New Avengers (Volume 10): Power HC
Nexus Archives (Volume 9) HC
Oishinbo (Volume 4): Fish, Sushi & Sashimi GN
Pluto (Volume 4)
Project Superpowers: Chapter Two #1
Real (Volume 5)
Showcase Presents: Batman (Volume 4) TP
Sparrow (Volume 13): Camilla Derrico
Spawn Origins (Volume 2) TP
Superman Chronicles (Volume 7) TP
TMNT 25th Anniversary by Kevin Eastman
TMNT: Future Tense (Volume 1) TP
Usagi Yojimbo (Volume 23) TP
We Kill Monsters #1 (of 6)
Wildcats: World's End (Book 1) TP
You Have Killed Me HC
You Shall Die By Your Own Creation TP

Mouse Guard: Winter 1152 HC - Finally, the second volume of David Petersen's Mouse Guard is collected. I love this series, and the second book is even better than the original mini-series, with some amazingly beautiful winter scenes.
Other Noteworthy Releases
Adventures of the Mask Omnibus TP
Amazing Spider-Man #600
Awakening (Volume 1) HC
Beanworld (Volume 2): A Gift Comes HC
Cable Classic (Volume 2) TP
Captain America: Reborn #1 (of 5)
Captain Britain and MI-13 #15 - Final issue!
Case Closed (Volume 30)
Creepy Archives (Volume 4) HC
Delphine #4
Elephantmen: Damaged Goods TP
Emily the Strange III #1 (of 4)
Flight (Volume 6) TP
George McManus' Bringing Up Father HC
Halo: Hell Jumper #1 (of 5)
Immortal Weapons #1 (of 5)
Incredible Hulk #600
Lenore (volume II) #1
Myspace/Dark Horse Presents (Volume 3) TP
New Avengers (Volume 10): Power HC
Nexus Archives (Volume 9) HC
Oishinbo (Volume 4): Fish, Sushi & Sashimi GN
Pluto (Volume 4)
Project Superpowers: Chapter Two #1
Real (Volume 5)
Showcase Presents: Batman (Volume 4) TP
Sparrow (Volume 13): Camilla Derrico
Spawn Origins (Volume 2) TP
Superman Chronicles (Volume 7) TP
TMNT 25th Anniversary by Kevin Eastman
TMNT: Future Tense (Volume 1) TP
Usagi Yojimbo (Volume 23) TP
We Kill Monsters #1 (of 6)
Wildcats: World's End (Book 1) TP
You Have Killed Me HC
You Shall Die By Your Own Creation TP