In Stores 10/15
Here are the books shipping to comic shops tomorrow with the most potential...
Pick of the Week
Breakdowns: Portrait of the Artist As a Young %@&*! - A collection of early works from an important figure in comics, creator of Maus and In the Shadow On No Towers, Art Spiegelman! These early strips come in an oversized book: 14 x 10, and it's probably material that should be in every serious collector's library.
Other Noteworthy Releases
Amazing Spider-Man #573 - With
.....a Stephen Colbert variant cover.
Annihilation: Conquest (Book 1)
.....TP - Now in paperback
Batman Chronicles (Volume 6) TP
Benny and Penny In Just Pretend SC - Also now in paperback
The Comics Journal #293
Crossing Midnight (Volume 3): Sword In the Soul TP
Dear Dracula HC
Doktor Sleepless (Volume 1): Engines and Desires TP
Dramacon Ultimate Edition HC
Dreamland Chronicles (Book 1) TP
Grant Morrison: Early Years SC
Grant Morrison's Doctor Who #1
Jamilti and Other Stories - Short works by Rutu Modan of Exit Wounds.
Jonah Hex: Luck Runs Out TP
Marvel Masterworks: X-Men (Volume 7) HC
Scalped (Volume 3): Dead Mothers TP
Sentences: The Life of MF Grimm TP
Speed Racer (Volume 6) TP
Superman & Batman vs. Vampires & Werewolves #1 (of 6)
Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen Special #1
Ursa Minors (Volume 1): Wait For the Trade Edition TP
War Is Hell: First Flight of the Phantom Eagle Premiere HC
Will Eisner's The Spirit Archives (Volume 25) HC
X-Men: Worlds Apart #1 (of 4)

Breakdowns: Portrait of the Artist As a Young %@&*! - A collection of early works from an important figure in comics, creator of Maus and In the Shadow On No Towers, Art Spiegelman! These early strips come in an oversized book: 14 x 10, and it's probably material that should be in every serious collector's library.
Other Noteworthy Releases
Amazing Spider-Man #573 - With
.....a Stephen Colbert variant cover.
Annihilation: Conquest (Book 1)
.....TP - Now in paperback
Batman Chronicles (Volume 6) TP
Benny and Penny In Just Pretend SC - Also now in paperback
The Comics Journal #293
Crossing Midnight (Volume 3): Sword In the Soul TP
Dear Dracula HC
Doktor Sleepless (Volume 1): Engines and Desires TP
Dramacon Ultimate Edition HC
Dreamland Chronicles (Book 1) TP
Grant Morrison: Early Years SC
Grant Morrison's Doctor Who #1
Jamilti and Other Stories - Short works by Rutu Modan of Exit Wounds.
Jonah Hex: Luck Runs Out TP
Marvel Masterworks: X-Men (Volume 7) HC
Scalped (Volume 3): Dead Mothers TP
Sentences: The Life of MF Grimm TP
Speed Racer (Volume 6) TP
Superman & Batman vs. Vampires & Werewolves #1 (of 6)
Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen Special #1
Ursa Minors (Volume 1): Wait For the Trade Edition TP
War Is Hell: First Flight of the Phantom Eagle Premiere HC
Will Eisner's The Spirit Archives (Volume 25) HC
X-Men: Worlds Apart #1 (of 4)