In Stores 1/7
Here are the highlights of books arriving at comic shops tomorrow!
Pick of the Week
Gunnerkrigg Court (Volume 1): Orientation HC - Now that Archaia Studios Press's sale is being finalized, they are shipping product once more, including this long-time-coming graphic novel collecting the beginning of Thomas Siddell's acclaimed all ages webcomic. Should be nice!
Other Noteworthy Releases
Agents of Atlas TP
American Splendor: Another
.....Dollar TP
Astral Project (Volume 2)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #21
The Complete Little Orphan
.....Annie (Volume 2): 1927-1930:
.....The Darkest Hour Is Just Before the Dawn HC
Daredevil by Frank Miller & Klaus Janson (Volume 3) TP
DC Universe Illustrated by Neal Adams (Volume 1) HC
Dead of Night Featuring Werewolf by Night #1 (of 4)
Devil's Panties (Volume 2) HC
Faces of Evil: Grundy #1
Green Lantern: Wanted - Hal Jordan TP
Groo: Hell On Earth TP
Justice (Volume 3) TP
Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service (Volume 8)
Me & the Devil Blues (Volume 2)
Mouse Guard RPG HC
My Heavenly Hockey Club (Volume 7)
New Avengers (Volume 9): Secret Invasion HC
Punisher #1
RASL (Volume 1): Drift TP
Runaways: Pride & Joy Premiere HC
Secret Invasion TP
Showcase Presents: Strange Adventures (Volume 1) TP
Ultimate Origins Premiere HC
Universal War One (Volume 1) Premiere HC
The Walking Dead (Volume 9): Here We Remain TP