Top 20 Comics of 2015

These are my favorite comics of 2015, including manga, superheroes, graphic novels, reprints, etc. I try to be as true to how I feel about a book as possible when ranking them, which is why it may seem odd for some to see a superhero title hardly anyone read rank over an acclaimed graphic novel. If I enjoyed my experience of reading it more, it was placed higher on my list. These are my favorite twenty comics of the year. I hope you enjoy my list, and hopefully check out some books that may have eluded you. Honorable Mentions Baba Yaga's Assistant ( Marika McCoola and Emily Carroll ) Harrow County ( Cullen Bunn and Tyler Crook ) Junji Ito's Cat Diaries: Yon and Mu ( Junji Ito ) One-Punch Man ( ONE and Yusuke Murata ) Princess Ugg ( Ted Naifeh ) 20. The Legend of Zelda: A Link To the Past ( Shotaro Ishinomori ) - I subscribed to Nintendo Power growing up, so I have fond memories of the comics that ran in the magazine, including this classic from master Shota...