Nomad: Girl Without a World TP
Sean McKeever & David Baldeon I was a little thrown by this book, to be honest. I've read other works from Sean McKeever before, such as Sentinel , so I guess I shouldn't have been surprised that it had such an all-ages feel to it, but somehow the title and circumstances around the lead character made me think it would be more of a dark, serious story. But while it does tackle some grim issues, Nomad: Girl Without a World remains a pretty colorful superhero title that would sit well among the books in Marvel's Marvel Adventures kids line. But I'm not complaining - it's kind of refreshing actually. I mean, more superhero books should be aimed at younger readers instead of catering to long-time fans. I just expected a different experience going in than what I got. This book is about Rikki Barnes, who was the present-day sidekick to Steve Rogers, Captain America, as Bucky. In her world, that is (she was transported here during the On...